3dsMax • ZBrush

Create your main tile

  • Create -> Standard Primitive ->Plane
  • Set the plane size to 200cm x 200cm
  • Set the Lenght / Width Segs to 2

Enlarge your main tile by half in each direction

  • Convert your primitive to an Editable Poly
  • Clone the object several times around your main tile
  • Attach in a single mesh
  • Weld vertices
  • Cut half tile in each side

Export your object to Zbrush

  • Choose your object -> File -> Export Selected
  • Export as OBJ file format with the Zbrush preset and Export Material / Create Mat-Library unchecked

Alternatively you can Export directly in Zbrush with 1 Click with the GoZ feature (if installed and correctly setup in your 3dsMax/Zbrush)

Import your object in Zbrush and create Polygroups

  • Tool -> Load Tool -> Choose your .OBJ file
  • Shift + F to display Polygroups
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift and select the enlarged part of your tile to hide it
  • Polygroups -> Group Visible  to make a Polygroup for the visible polygons
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift in a empty space to Unhide all

Set the wrap mode for the brush to paint seamless your object

  • For any brush you want to use (also the Smooth brush, used holding Shift key), you need to set the wrap mode to a value of 2
  • Brush -> Curve – > WrapMode 2

Divide your subtool how much you need

  • Geometry -> Uncheck Smt option to prevent the smoothing of the geometry when subdivided
  • Divide at least 9 times (1.000.000 of points c.a.)

Sculpt seamless

Your object main tile is in the middle, and you have a half tile for side to sculpt comfortably.

Not all the brushes works with the wrap mode (for example the Insert Mesh)

Baking the normal map

  • Export your highres model from ZBrush
  • Import the higres model in 3ds max
  • In 3ds max create a plane 200cm x 200cm
  • With the plane selected, go to Rendering -> Render To Texture
  • Under render settings choose the preset (the first inthe dropdown list)
  • Go back in the render to texture window, enable Projection Mapping and pick your Highres Model
  • Click Option and under Filtering Otions Press setup and uncheck “Disable all Samplers”
  • Mapping coordinates “use existing channel” for object and Sub-Objects
  • Under output add Normals Map elements and choose the texture Width/Height and the file output name/path
  • Press render